St. Pius X High School was established in 1970. From 1970 till date our institution has served an indispensable need for good education in the Eastern suburbs of Mulund. We are ever grateful to our pioneers who initiated this institution and managed the school for many years. We will always continue from where they left out. We will build on the past. But as educational needs change due to changing times, we want to move with the times not just to be in vogue but to respond to the demand for new forms of education that can turn out citizens to serve the changing needs of a newly emerging world. We need independent thinkers, courageous leaders in the cooperate world and in society. The world needs people today who will not just repeat the past but think ‘out of the box’ and respond in new and innovative ways. The curriculum of the International Schools seems to cater to these lacunae in our education system.

St. Pius X International School Games and Fun Activities

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